Sam's first steps in the industry were taken in his father's upholstery shop. There he learned the hard knocks of the trade by pulling staples and stripping upholstery while sacrificing the cleanliness of his hands to the benefit of the client. He became more sure footed in his abilities after his mentorship at a commercial finishing and antique restoration shop in Northern Colorado. After that, a dedication to managing a notable restoration shop was the sharpening he and his brother needed to go out on their own.
Never being one to settle for mediocrity, Sam has always had a pension for seeing where improvement may lie. With efficiency and a work experience free from frustration as his goal, managing the workings of the shop is a role that suites him well.
It is his hope that the Kin team can create an environment in which the craftsmen enjoy their days at work as much as they do at their homes, and a feeling that our customers enjoy us as much as they do our work!
Sam's favorite furniture was made by the Shakers, a group of communal Christians founded in the 18th century who were known for their simple designs but uncompromising quality. The furniture was made from local woods and almost entirely unadorned.
When pulled by outdoor forces from the shop he loves, you can find him slipping on river stones having his go at large trout! Freedom is his driver, until then, he waits his turn to see the world.
He really loves his mother... and cheese.